2024 / 03 / 14
How to use the Standard Assistant Software in BPA700 to conduct performance and standard tests required in IEC 80601-2-30?
IEC 80601-2-30 is used to test the basic safety and performance of non-invasive blood pressure monitors. This article mainly introduces the use of NIBP simulators to test basic performance.
2023 / 12 / 13
Advancing NIBP Testing: The BPA700 Simulator for Precise and Reliable Results
Non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP) monitoring has become a vital practice in healthcare for detecting hypertension at an early stage. However, subtle differences in NIBP monitor designs can lead to inconsistencies in their blood pressure readings.
2022 / 02 / 24
Using the Multichannel ECG Tester System (MECG 2.0) to play the ECG signals containing maternal and fetal in the database
MECG 2.0 is a test device that can simultaneously generate 8 channel signals. It is mainly applicable to the database test of various ECG equipment. Medical regulations require ECG equipment manufacturers to use specific databases to evaluate the system
2021 / 12 / 23
Use DFS200 Battery Measurement Probe (with load) to check AED battery level
DFS200 provides the user with the function of measuring voltage to check battery level. The conventional method can’t accurately measure the battery level because of the low load when testing. However, DFS200 battery measurement probe with load...
2020 / 10 / 16
ECG 3 Lead Tests
It is normal in ECG testing to simplify the approach on the assumption that one test is representative. For example, an input impedance test on V1 and V4 can reasonably be considered representative of tests on the other chest leads.
2020 / 09 / 25
ECG Test of Input Impedance and Noise
Although not explicitly stated, it’s obvious the ECG standard includes noise. If a test requires the ECG under test to reproduce a test signal accurately within ±5%, it makes no sense to perform the test if the test signal also had said ±20% noise.
2020 / 08 / 17
ECG Low Frequency Response Impulse Test
Recently Derek Qin of Draeger pointed out that at the end of the MEDTEQ article on ECG filters, the graph showing the effect of a 3mV/100ms impulse on a 0.05Hz high pass filter had a post impulse slope that looked more like 29µV rather than the claimed 29
2020 / 06 / 18
How to Verify Respiratory Rate Extracted from ECG and PPG Signal
Respiratory rate is defined as the measurement of a person's breathing rate per minute at rest. In clinical diagnosis, respiratory rate is widely used to evaluate physiological indicators, especially for sleep and stress analysis.
2020 / 06 / 11
How to Measure the Amplitude Linearity, Dynamic Range and DC Offset Tolerance
The linearity and dynamic range of the amplitude are important factors that affect the amplitude accuracy of ECG device. The dynamic range determines the ECG device maximum range of the amplitude linearity.
2020 / 05 / 06
The Strategy You can Apply to Validate ECG Device
Electrocardiogram (ECG) is the easiest way to examine cardiac problems. There are many ECG device developer devoted to offer sophisticated and accurate ECG devices for medical institutions and public. Before the government permits to release those ECG